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Registry Standard 🧩

Create Your Own Registry - Registry Standard

To create your own DAB Registry that is able automatically integrate with any programs & applications that interact with DAB Registries (such as DAB-js and the DAB Router), your canister interface must follow that of the DAB Registry Standard.

For anyone wondering what this might look like, we have created the Template Registry Canister. This example canister fully implements the DAB Registry Standard and can act as a guide for you to do so as well.

Any addition logic you'd like to add is completely up to your descretion, as long as the base interface methods are met. There must be no descrepancies between your registry's candid interface and that of the standard.

Registry Standard's Required Interface Methods

In order to meet the DAB Registry Standard, these four base methods must be met:

1. Get Registry's Name - name

Returns the name of your registry canister.

"name"   : () -> (text) query

2. Get an Item From Registry - get

Returns the metadata associated with the passed in Principal ID if it exists in the registry.

"get"    : (principal) -> (opt metadata) query

3. Add an Iten to Registry - add

Adds metadata against the Principal ID in your registry. Only canister admins can access this method.

"add"    : (principal, metadata) -> (response)

4. Remove an Item From Registry - remove

Removes an item and its associated metadata from your registry. Only canister admins can access this method.

 "remove" : (principal) -> (response)

Interacting With Custom Registries

DAB-js comes with the DAB Registry Standard candid file so that we can interact with the base functionality of any registry that follows the DAB Registry Standard. Let's learn how!

0. Preparing Your Environment

To pull and install from @Psychedelic via the NPM CLI, you'll need:

  • A Github account
  • A Github personal access token (you can create a personal acess token here)
  • The personal access token with the correct scopes, repo and read:packages to be granted access to the GitHub Package Registry.
  • Authentication via npm login, using your Github email for the username and the personal access token as your password:

Once you have those ready, run:

npm login --registry= --scope=@psychedelic

Note: You only need to configure this once to install the package! On npm login provide your Github email as your username and the Personal access token as the password.

You can also setup your npm global settings to fetch from the Github registry everytime it finds a @Psychdelic package, find the instructions here.

⚠️ Alternatively, a token could be passed to the .npmrc as // but we'd like to keep it clean and tokenless.

1. Setting up DAB-js in your project

First, you need to install the DAB-js npm package into your project.

You can do so from the command line

npm install @psychedelic/dab-js@latest

Find more details about installing versions in the package page here

2. DAB Registry Standard Methods

In order to interact with a registry that follows the DAB Registry Standard, we need to create an instance of the Registry Class. This class's methods allow us to interact with the base functionality that every DAB registry must have.

First need to import the Registry class from the @psychedelic/dab-js library.

Next, we can create an instance of this class by passing in two parameters:

  • agent: An Http agent, instantiated with agent-js (optional paramet, defaults to DFINITY's agent)
  • canisterID: A string that represents the canister ID of the registry on IC mainnet.
import { Registry } from '@psychedelic/dab-js';

const canisterID = 'REGISTRY_ID_HERE';

const createRegistry = (canisterID) => {
    const my_registry = new Registry(canisterID);
    return my_registry

const new_registry = createRegistry();

To configure your registry to interact with canisters on your local network, pass in a custom agent like so:

import { Registry } from '@psychedelic/dab-js';

const canisterID = 'REGISTRY_ID_HERE';
const localAgent = new HttpAgent({ host: 'https://localhost:8080' }); 

const createLocalRegistry = (canisterID) => {
    const my_registry = new Registry(canisterID, localAgent);
    return my_registry

const new_registry = createRegistry();

Once instanciated, you can start to interact with your registry's base name, get, add, and remove methods.

Using the add method takes the Metadata type as a parameter. It's interface looks like so:

export interface Metadata {
  'thumbnail' : string,
  'name' : string,
  'frontend' : [] | [string],
  'description' : string,
  'principal_id' : Principal,
  'details' : Array<[string, DetailValue]>,

export type DetailValue = { 'I64' : bigint } |
  { 'U64' : bigint } |
  { 'Vec' : Array<DetailValue> } |
  { 'Slice' : Array<number> } |
  { 'Text' : string } |
  { 'True' : null } |
  { 'False' : null } |
  { 'Float' : number } |
  { 'Principal' : Principal };

Here's an example testing all four registry standard methods:

const testRegistryMethods = async (registry: Registry, getId: string, addMetadata: Metadata) => {
    const name = await;
    console.log('Registry Name: ', name);

    console.log('Adding Entry: ', addMetadata);
    const addResponse = await registry.add(addMetadata);
    console.log('Add response', addResponse);

    console.log('Getting metadata for id', getId);
    const getResponse = await registry.get(getId);
    console.log('Get Response: ', getResponse);

    console.log('Removing metadata for id', getId);
    const removeResponse = await registry.remove(getId);
    console.log('Remove Response: ', removeResponse);

    console.log('Getting metadata for deleted id', getId);
    const emptyResponse = await registry.get(getId);
    console.log('Removed get response: ', emptyResponse);